Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Academic Plan

I think I have finally decided on my plan, academically.

I am a bohemian artist, it seems. I am an individualist.

I spent too much of my life learning technology to waste that, even if I have no natural talent at it.

So, I will go to the University of Texas at Dallas, and take their B.A. in Arts and Technology.

Then after I establish a name for myself as an innovative storytelling media artist (game developer), I will start specializing in educational and commercial virtual worlds and virtual offices.

I plan on leading the market for specialty games and simulations, like those that teach history, training sims, and educational sims.

I need the friends that the University of Texas at Dallas will provide, especially when I get some roomies in one of the apartments.

Hopefully, this will lead to a bright future.

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